Before Image
After Image

Megan & Kevin

California -

Infertility Diagnosis

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Recurrent miscarriage
  • Secondary infertility
  • Tubal obstruction


  • eSET
  • Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
  • In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • Timed intercourse


  • Travel Client

Megan & Kevin's Story:

We've been through everything to get here. We didn't use to have issues getting pregnant. We started dating in summer 2016 and got pregnant with an IUD in 3 times, all 3 pregnancies ended in miscarriages. Had the IUD removed when we decided to get married. We got married on December 21, 2016, and got pregnant on our honeymoon. I delivered what we thought was a perfectly healthy baby girl. She died 4 days later, we had no idea she had a weak heart.

After that, I stopped having periods again (PCOS flare) so we sought out a local infertility Dr to see about doing an IUI with sperm sorting (Ericson method) to hope for another little girl. Unfortunately, I had a chemical pregnancy and we decided at the cost we'd rather head to CNY.

It took a few months to get here and tried every month with a negative test after negative test. We decided to do PGS again wanting our miracle girl.

I was 23 he was 37 at the time, I don't know what went wrong. We got 17 eggs, unfortunately only 2 made it to biopsy, 1 normal female, 1 highly abnormal male. So we implanted the female, we named her Paisley Rae. I lost Paisley Rae at 8w due to a hemorrhage in April 2018. At this point we couldn't afford another IVF for a year, so we started saving up, unfortunately, I only had 3 periods that whole year and a pile of BFN tests everywhere.

I started feeling like a failure, like I'm not even a woman anymore, can't get pregnant, can't even have a period. Nothing. We saw our primary Dr. a month before our planned trip for IVF #2 to make sure we were good to go. My blood work showed high prolactin. I got in contact with Dr. Kiltz immediately who put me on Dostinex to prep for IVF and lower my prolactin levels. To our massive surprise, the day I was set to start birth control for IVF, February 12, 2019, I got a BFP test. We're now 24w along with a healthy hearted boy. But we'll be back to CNY when he's around 2 to get our girl(s). We have an 11-year-old son (his biologically, I adopted him April 15, 2017) and now this little guy Tavish Finnegan due October 23, 2019!

Favorite Team Member at CNY:

Dr Corley and Dr Kiltz for different reasons.

I have an issue with anesthesia, I don't always stay under, I woke up during 15 minutes of my gallbladder surgery, it was awful. I was very nervous so Dr Corley had me keep steady conversation with him until I couldn't anymore.

Dr. Kiltz because she finally figured out and treated my issue! 8 pills and 2 weeks got me pregnant!

Helpful resources Megan & Kevin found:

FB groups for support

Unique Moments:

The lowest point was finding out we only got 2 embryos out of 17 eggs. With my age I was SO sure I'd have a fabulous outcome and extra embryos to come back and use later. It was a big hit to me mentally.

Hope, Inspiration and Advice:

Keep moving forward. Hold onto your partner, this gets rough on a relationship, don't let it come between you. Sometimes it makes sex feel like a science experiment. Talk through it.