Elizabeth & Johnny
- Embryo Freezing
- Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
- Genetic Testing
- In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
- Laparoscopy
- Albany
- Buffalo
Elizabeth & Johnny's Story:
Johnny and I had been married for 4 years when we decided we were ready to grow our family. After a year of trying, we figured something must be going on. We started doing testing and found out we had male factor and PCOS. We did another year of timed intercourse cycles and a few IUIs without ever having a positive pregnancy test.
I found out about CNY from watching a YouTuber vlog about her egg retrieval with Dr Kiltz. We did some more preconception testing and did our 1st egg retrieval in Albany in November 2020.
We retrieved 16 eggs, 14 fertilized. We froze a few untested and froze 3 PGS normal tested. After our first frozen embryo transfer (FET) failed, I did an endometrial receptivity analysis (ERA) and found out I needed 12 more hours of progesterone.
For the next FET of a PGS embryo, we added blood thinners and 12 extra hours, and I had my first positive test ever in April 2021! Sadly, a week later, the HCG levels dropped, and it turned into a chemical pregnancy. I was so heartbroken, and I needed a break.
After another consult, we decided to do a second retrieval in October 2021 but tried a different approach and froze most at day 3 and only grew a few out to day 5. We did a fresh transfer and another FET, but both failed. I didn’t know where to go from there. So, we decided to take a longer break and considered adoption.
During that year, I did more testing and found out I had Hashimotos, adenomyosis, MTHFR, and borderline anticardiolipin antibodies.
I know, could there be anything else?! So, in the fall of 2022, I downregulated for 3 months and underwent a laparoscopic surgery where they removed mild endometriosis. Then, in December 2022, we did a FET with a more aggressive immune protocol using an embryo from 2nd cycle, and that resulted in our daughter Rose! She is our greatest joy and a true miracle.
Favorite Team Member at CNY:
My consult with Dr. Corley was amazing and he was the one to change up our protocol and try different things. I remember him saying it’s not an all or nothing approach. You can choose some day 3s and choose to have some blastocysts— that was really helpful for me.
Also Dr. Chang was amazing and after doing my second FET, he said “we are going to give you a baby this Christmas”..and he did.
The nurses were all great and patient with all my questions and tears throughout the years.
Helpful resources Elizabeth & Johnny found:
CNY and other IVF Facebook groups, infertility podcasts. Books: Is Your Body Baby Friendly, It starts with the egg.
My faith is also very important to me and one of the only things to get me through. I joined a Christian based infertility group, Moms in the Making, which also helped fight the loneliness that can come with this journey.
The Moment:
I held my breath for a lot of the early pregnancy because of my history and was guarded after trying so long. But when my husband and I saw her on the ultrasounds and kicking, it so was amazing and we started to feel more excited.
I was still in disbelief when they laid her on my chest that she was finally here. The immense joy is indescribable and I knew at that moment my life’s purpose was to be her mom.
Hope, Inspiration and Advice:
I wish I had done or been told to do testing earlier, as a lot of my issue was my body attacking the embryos and sadly, this might have been fixed with earlier transfers.
Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself and try new things. Do as much research as you can to understand how things work and make the best informed decision.
Lastly, don’t give up. I’m proof that miracles happen. It may look different than you imagined, but if you want to have a baby enough, you will.