Before Image
After Image

Jennifer & Brett

Pennsylvania -

Infertility Diagnosis

  • Male factor


  • In vitro Fertilization (IVF)


  • Syracuse


  • Robert Kiltz, MD
  • David Corley, MD

Jennifer & Brett's Story:

We got married in November 2016 and began trying for our 1st baby in June of 2017. Six months had gone by, and nothing was happening. I was 35, and my husband was 36 at the time. He decided to buy an at-home semen analysis kit to see if there was something going on with him. Unfortunately, there were zero sperm detected. We then sought out a urologist specializing in fertility to seek more answers. After an official semen analysis found zero sperm and blood work showed some hormone imbalances that medication could not fix. We moved onto the TESA procedure.

The day came for the TESA procedure, and we were a ball of nerves, not knowing what the outcome would be. The doctor said because of my husband's hormone levels it was a 50/50 chance that he would be able to find any viable sperm. We were on our way home from the hospital when the doctor called to let us know that the lab found 81 viable sperm that would be frozen for IVF. We both cried so many happy tears that day!

We scheduled our consultation for February 2020. After our consultation, we started stims in June 2020. At egg retrieval, we were able to get 6 eggs, 5 were mature, and 4 fertilized!

We were over the moon yet scared that it wouldn't work and we would be left with more heartache. We decided after talking to Dr. Corley and Nurse Ashley in Syracuse that we would transfer two embryos. Much to our surprise the day 3 fresh transfer worked! We found out at our ultrasound that one precious baby was growing.

In February 2021, Axel Gean was born via c-section. Without CNY, we wouldn't have our miracle baby. Thank you so much!!!

Favorite Team Member at CNY:

Dr. Kiltz at egg retrieval
Dr. Corley and Nurse Ashley at embryo transfer

Helpful resources Jennifer & Brett found:

CNY Facebook page

Unique Moments:

The fact that we only had 81 sperm to work with from my husband and that we were successful on the 1st transfer is an absolute miracle beyond miracles.

Hope, Inspiration and Advice:

This journey isn't easy, but when you open up and talk about your experience, you can give others hope and be an inspiration.