Brittany & Josh

New York –

Infertility Diagnosis

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)


  • In vitro Fertilization (IVF)

Brittany & Josh's Story:

Our journey started about six years ago when we got married… Started off and got the diagnosis with PCOS and just tried medicated and timed intercourse for a couple years. When that wasn’t working we were referred to CNY- it has been about one year since we started our journey with you!. We did six IUI’S and all were unsuccessful. We had our first retrieval about two months ago and we thought it was going to be very a successful cycle but ended up not going well at all. So now we kind of at a crossroads to what to do next because it gets so expensive to do cycle after cycle.

Winning this cycle of IVF is so amazing and will give us another chance to get a good outcome at retrieval.

One big positive that has come out of our infertility journey though is that my husband and I have become certified foster parents and on the road to adoption as well.

Thank you CNY for all that you do and we are so thankful to win this amazing gift for a chance to grow our family ♥️