"Thank You" Doesn''t Say Enough

Thank you to Dr. Grossman and all the staff at CNY Fertility in Latham. We went through three years of fertility treatment, including seven IUIs, the last one resulting in a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks. After the pain of the miscarriage and D&C we decided it was time to try IVF and met with Dr. Grossman. As our insurance doesn't cover any infertility treatment we decided on how much we could afford and were lucky enough that CNY was having a special going on so we paid up-front for three cycles. It was very emotional knowing that these would be our last chances at having a baby, combined with just losing a pregnancy we had tried for so long to achieve and my fear of needles, starting the cycle brought on a lot of emotions. The staff at CNY were AMAZING, always so nice and comforting. We started our first IVF cycle in February and got the positive pregnancy test in March! On November 2, 2011 we welcomed our twins into the world. Mara and Chase have completed our family and we have the CNY to thank!