Before Image
After Image

Rachel & Brandon

Ohio -


  • Embryo Freezing
  • Frozen embryo transfer (FET)
  • Genetic Testing
  • In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)


  • Syracuse

Rachel & Brandon's Story:

We started trying for a baby in March 2020 (just before the shut downs) thinking it would be a quick process. Boy, were we wrong!

After a year and a half of trying on our own, we sought the help of a local RE and received a diagnosis of unexplained infertility. After 5 unsuccessful IUIs, our RE suggested we look into CNY since IVF was the logical next step. We were devastated that we still didn’t have a baby, but determined to make it happen.

In June 2022, we had our first consult and felt confident and comfortable with the care at CNY.

I had my egg retrieval in October 2022 and had a whopping 70 eggs! After fertilization and PGT, we had 6 beautiful embabies.

Our first FET was in December 2022 with Dr. Kiltz (we felt like we were meeting a celebrity!) and it was successful!

We shared the joy with our family over the Christmas holiday, but the joy was short lived. I developed a subchorionic haematomaand and bled heavily over several weeks.

After 8 weeks, our beautiful baby’s heart stopped beating, leaving us with immense grief. We kept pushing forward through the pain, and in March 2023, we had our second FET. It was unsuccessful. I had consulted with Dr. Kiltz, Dr. Fink, and Brandis to develop a good plan moving forward.

Armed with information and a new protocol, we transferred again on June 22, 2023 with Dr. Corley. It was a success!! Our perfect little boy, Jensen Derek, was born on 3/3/24 via c-section.

Favorite Team Member at CNY:

Dr Kiltz
Dr Fink
Dr Corley

Helpful resources Rachel & Brandon found:

Fertile Hope Yoga.

Facebook group (I made a friend that transferred on the same day! We both had boys and we talk daily! It was so amazing to share this experience with her.)

Instagram lives with Dr Kiltz and Dr Fink.


The Moment:

When Jensen was born, we both cried tears of overwhelming joy. I couldn’t believe it was real life and I kept repeating, “He’s real, he’s real!”

It felt like everything on our journey made sense and prepared us for him, our perfect miracle boy. It felt like we’d known him our whole lives even though we were holding him for the very first time. He was always ours.

Hope, Inspiration and Advice:

Talk about it! Share your struggles, your joys, your highs and lows. We were open about our journey with our family and friends and their support got us through the hardest moments, as well as the best moments. Our journey was a roller coaster and everyone was along for the ride!

Find others who are on a similar journey and lean on each other! I’ve heard it said that infertility is the worst club with the best members and that is so very true.