Miracle After Heartache

After struggling to get pregnant my husband and I were referred to CNY of Syracuse. We got pregnant on our first IUI cycle fall of 2009. I had a normal healthy pregnancy. ...until the morning I woke up in my 37th week. My baby girl was not moving. Later that morning our lives forever changed. Ultrasound confirmed there was no heart beat. Our longing for this beautiful child was gone. A couple days later after being induced on May 14th 2010 I delivered a beautiful 6 lb 2 oz, 2 1 inch little girl, Ava Rose. The autopsy never gave us an answer to why this happened except to confirm what we already new, she was a beautiful healthy little girl who was taken far to soon. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months that were sometimes to painful to carry on. Thankfully through the strength and love my husband and I had for each other and the support of family and friends we were determined to try again for a baby. Not a baby to replace our sweet little angel but one we could someday share Ava's memory with. Fall of 2010 on our 2nd IUI cycle we became pregnant. With not one but two babies. To sum up this pregnancy after having a stillbirth was nothing short of terrifying. At 31 weeks 2 days my twins were born, yes pretty early but thankfully with the help of their big sister in heaven were born ALIVE and healthy! They spent time in the NICU growing toward full term. Today, as I share my story Ava's siblings Sophia and Samuel celebrated their 3rd birthday. What I want those who suffer from infertility and pregnancy loss for whatever the reason may be is please never ever lose hope. My husband and I are living proof that miracles do happen despite the unimaginable happening. Blessing to you on this exciting and yes sometimes fearful journey. ~ Liz