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After Image

Brenda & Ryan

New Mexico -

Infertility Diagnosis

  • Unexplained infertility


  • In vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • Laparoscopy


  • Buffalo

Brenda & Ryan's Story:

After 7 years of unsuccessfuly trying to conceive on and off we decided it was time to seek treatment. My obgyn recommended another location which we went to and underwent many unsuccessful iui’s at which point we decided maybe this wasn’t going to happen for us and we should take a break. We already had 2 beautiful children and we were coming to terms with the fact that may be it for us until after researching online I found Cny fertility which was fairly new to our area, so after many months off We decided let’s give this one more shot. We underwent a couple unsuccessful iui’s again and then we said that’s it if we were going to do this again we were going to go all in, so we invested everything we had emotionally and financially and decided to go through with ivf one time. The journey was not easy with all of the daily shots which I had basically been on for 2 years and the doctor appointments and missing so much work not to mention the emotional toll it took on my husband and I. But after years of negative pregnancy test and doctors saying his may never happen again for us we finally received our positive. We were in complete disbelief when we saw the plus sign on that little stick. The pregnancy was high risk so there were some setbacks but I can say that every needle, every sleepless night and every tear was worth it because now we have our beautiful healthy baby girl and our family is complete. We can’t imagin what life would have been like without her. If we had any advice for anyone it would always be to never give up faith and on the dream that your have to have or expand your family. I feel forever grateful to everyone who helped us along our journey at CNY.

Favorite Team Member at CNY:

We are so grateful for Dr. Arroyo, he was so patient and understanding and very informative. He always took the time to explain everything in great detail as well as made sure we fully understood what was going on.

Helpful resources Brenda & Ryan found:

I found that changing my eating habits and working out kept me motivated.

Unique Moments:

The lows were always getting the call after every IUI and hearing your blood work came back and you are not pregnant. The high was making the choice to come to Cny and hearing there is hope.

Hope, Inspiration and Advice:

I already had 2 children so never did I imagine trying to have another would be so challenging but it turned out that it was the most difficult thing we would have to go through. My advice is to never ever give up, there is always a way.