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After Image

Angela & Acey

Florida -

Infertility Diagnosis

  • Male factor


  • In vitro Fertilization (IVF)


  • Syracuse


  • David Corley, MD

Angela & Acey's Story:

I was 36, and my husband was 32 at the time of our first IVF.

We got 13 eggs from the retrieval (even with my low AMH of 0.64) 6 fertilized but only 2 made it to blast.  We did PGT genetic testing; 1 came back was abnormal, and 1 was high mosaic.

Rather than gambling on the mosaic embryo, we decided to try 1 more egg retrieval.

My husband stopped smoking, quit drinking caffeine, and started to take supplements.

For the 2nd retrevial I was 37, and we decided we would do a fresh transfer if we could.

We got 10 eggs, 6 fertilized, but this time all 6 made it to blast. We fresh transferred 1 (she was born 8/14/22) and tested the other 5.

We have 3 normals, 1 abnormal, and 1 high mosaic. This is my husband's 1st biological child and my third. She is a perfect addition to our family. Thank you to everyone at CNY for make this possible!!